Section - Quelques verbes mineurs
[Le booléen "going nowhere" est défini ci-dessous. En gros, il arrête la progression du temps pour un petit moment. CETTE PARTIE EST TOUJOURS ENNUYEUSE, HEIN.]
Instead of singing:
say "'Au clair de la lune, lala, truc truc...' Hmm.";
now the going nowhere boolean is true.
[TC: so the original is "Au clair de la lune", which is a French song in an English game, so maybe I should have changed that to an English song in a French game. However, I couldn't find an equivalent of Au Clair De La Lune, i.e. an English "kid"/simple song that would be known to French speakers, and also within the same historical frame (I don't know if there's any set in the game, something vaguely old maybe, so I can't really have them sing Ke$ha. Unless you want me to.)]
Understand "danser" as a mistake ("Mais vous devez vous abstenir ! Vos pas fébriles n'auraient pour conséquence qu'accroître la dégradation de l'intégrité de ce vaisseau, qui n'est plus aussi fier et noble qu'il ne l[']était.").
[TC: "once-proud" is kinda hard to translate. (English seems more flexible than French, as a general rule.) I translated it as "it's not as proud and noble [noble cause it sounded more like an adjective we'd use for proud, big, beautiful vessels, so I just threw it in there] as it once was.]
Instead of attacking something:
say "Ca n'est pas le moment de faire du chahut ou se chamailler.";
now the going nowhere boolean is true.
Instead of kissing something:
say "Apparemment, vous n'avez pas regardé de quoi vos dents ont l'air depuis un petit moment.";
now the going nowhere boolean is true.
Instead of jumping:
say "Vous ne devriez pas sauter sur place sur un navire qui coule. Ca porte la poisse.";
now the going nowhere boolean is true.
Understand "sauter du bateau" as a mistake ("Vous ne devriez pas penser à des choses comme ça. Vous seriez réduits en morceaux par les récifs, ou les requins, et après le capitaine n'aurait plus aucune partie de vous à pendre pour avoir déserté.").
Leaving is an action applying to nothing. Understand "abandonner navire" as leaving.
Instead of leaving:
if the canot de sauvetage is in the location:
try entering the canot de sauvetage;
now the going nowhere boolean is true;
say "C'est à ça que sert un canot de sauvetage."
Instead of tasting:
say "Pas la peine. Après votre petit déjeuner de ce matin, tout a goût d'algues bouillies.";
now the going nowhere boolean is true.
Instead of smelling:
say "Du sel."
Instead of smelling something:
say "Vous ne sentez rien de particulier."
Instead of thinking:
say "Le Capitaine Verdeterre dit toujours que c'est lui qui réfléchit, pas vous.";
now the going nowhere boolean is true.
[TC: "leave the thinking to him" is hard to translate, because in French we have the same word for "leave" and "let", and thus the corresponding sentence structure would mean more "let him think", which is not right. So I said "he's the one who thinks, not you".]
Instead of waking up:
say "C'est vrai que c'est trop beau pour être vrai, n'est-ce pas ?";
now the going nowhere boolean is true.
Instead of sleeping:
say "Ca n'est pas le moment ! Vous dormirez quand vous serez mort, comme dit toujours le Capitaine.";
now the going nowhere boolean is true.
Understand "prier" as a mistake ("A ce que je vois, il n'y a pas d'athées pendant un naufrage.").
Understand "utiliser [text]" as a mistake ("[italic type]{C'est certes regrettable, mais ce divertissement interactif n'est pas capable de faire une supposition, aussi basique qu'elle puisse être, sur le sens que vous voulez mettre derrière le mot 'utiliser'. Avec nos excuses les plus plates, nous vous demandons humblement de reformuler votre requête en utilisant un verbe plus spécifique.}[roman type]").
Instead of pushing something:
say "C'est bien là où c'est.";
now the going nowhere boolean is true.
Instead of pulling something:
say "C'est bien là où c'est.";
now the going nowhere boolean is true;
Instead of turning something:
say "[italic type]{On demande poliment que vous respectiez l'orientation de [the noun].}[roman type][paragraph break]";
now the going nowhere boolean is true.
Before taking something which is carried by the player:
say "Vous l'avez déjà.";
now the going nowhere boolean is true.
Before inserting something which is not carried by the player into something:
if the noun is in the second noun, say "C'est déjà là-dedans." instead;
say "Vous prenez d'abord [the noun].[line break]";
silently try taking the noun;
if the player is not holding the noun, stop the action.
Before putting something which is not carried by the player on something:
if the noun is on the second noun, say "C'est déjà dessus." instead;
say "Vous prenez d'abord [the noun].[line break]";
silently try taking the noun;
if the player is not holding the noun, stop the action.
Before wearing something which is not carried by the player:
if the player is wearing the noun, say "Vous portez déjà cela." instead;
say "Vous prenez d'abord [the noun].[line break]";
silently try taking the noun;
if the player is not holding the noun, stop the action.
Thanking is an action applying to nothing. Understand "super" or "ok" or "okay" or "genial" or "extra" or "bien" or "youpi" or "hourra" or "merci" or "merci beaucoup" as thanking.
Carry out thanking:
say "[italic type]{De rien.}[roman type][paragraph break]";
now the going nowhere boolean is true;
Expressing displeasure is an action applying to nothing. Understand "zut" or "crotte" or "saperlotte" or "mince" or "merde" or "saperlipopette" or "oh" or "oh non" or "roh" or "ta gueule" or "tais toi" or "argh" or "arf" as expressing displeasure.
Instead of swearing mildly, try expressing displeasure.
Instead of swearing obscenely, try expressing displeasure.
Carry out expressing displeasure:
say "[italic type]{Veuillez nous excuser pour les désagréments encourus.}[roman type][paragraph break]";
now the going nowhere boolean is true;
Instead of saying sorry:
now the going nowhere boolean is true;
say "[italic type]{J'accepte vos excuses.}[roman type][paragraph break]"
Understand "escaliers" as a mistake ("Vous ne pouvez pas vous déplacer dans cette direction de là où vous êtes. [italic type]{Les directions disponibles sont données dans la barre de status ci-dessus.}[roman type]") [Ceci est sous-optimal.]
Understand "laver" as a mistake ("C'est bizarre. Où sont donc passées les serpillères pour laver le pont ?").
[TC: it's a pun, right? I didn't really understand what Q-tips were doing in such a game, but I understand it's both a mop you use to mop the boat's deck, and the lowest echelon of sailors. In French, this would be "mousse", which is "foam" (presumably for the foam they leave on the deck? I have no idea). Translating this pun, I think, is impossible. My solution: 'where are the "mousses" who usually make the deck foam?', which is kinda ugly... I'll delete the attempt at a pun if you want me to.]
[AC: The intention behind the joke about 'where are the swabs?' is just that the equipment for swabbing the deck is mysteriously missing, because I didn't feel like implementing it. I guess it's less of a joke and more of an attempt to discourage you from trying to clean anything. I think a straight translation would be fine here.]
Understand "laver [text]" as a mistake ("C'est bizarre. Où sont donc passées les serpillères pour laver le pont ?").
Understand "lever [text]" as a mistake ("Ca ne sert à rien de lever quoi que ce soit maintenant.").
Understand "nager" as a mistake ("Vous ne savez pas comment.").
Understand "nager [text]" as a mistake ("Vous ne savez pas nager.").
Understand "retourner [something]" as turning.