Le butin du Capitaine Verdeterre — 4 of 43

Ryan Veeder

Release 1

Section - ENNUYEUX


Include French by Eric Forgeot.

Use French Language and serial comma.

The story headline is "Un compte-rendu du naufrage de l[']Incapable".

Release along with cover art and a website and an interpreter and the source text.

The story description is "Porter ce sac, je crois que c'est plutôt votre rôle. Moi, je délègue les tâches."

[TC: here, I wanted something that sounded good, so I had to change the order of the words. I changed the "You should carry the bag" in something more like "I think carrying the bag is your role, not mine", to emphasize the slightly bossy ("delegator") aspect, and also kinda transfer meaning from the second sentence that I couldn't really translate there (the "i'm more of a", i.e. "i'd rather delegate" or something like that, is kind of awkward to put in the second sentence in French, I find, whereas if I put "I think it's your role" it still emphasizes the "I assign duties and it's all good like this" aspect). I don't know if you see what I mean. I hope it works.]

Include Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short. [Mis à part l'ajout de la fonctionalité "Appuyez sur une touche pour continuer", cette extension ajoute aussi des effets sympas pour la barre de statut.]

Include Directions Nautiques by Samuel Byron. [C'est ça qui fait marcher "proue" et "poupe".]

Use shipboard directions. [Ceci désactive les directions cardinales, mais il reste toujours haut et bas.]

Index map with poupe mapped as east. Index map with proue mapped as west. Index map with up mapped as north. Index map with down mapped as south. [Ceci fait de la carte générée par Inform (la carte que j'ai le droit de voir, mais pas vous) une vue en coupe du bateau, comme cette séquence dans "La Vie Aquatique".]