Section - Où diable vais-je donc mettre cette règle
[TC: in French, the most correct translation of "what the hell" is "que diable", meaning "what in the devil" or something like that. But we don't have anything milder than that I'm afraid - even this is old-fashioned and 'weak' by modern speech standards, and there's no equivalent to "gosh", "heck" and "darn" (ie phonetic approximations to cover blasphemy - oh, Wikipedia tells me you guys call it minced oaths) that I know of in French. Maybe we had less puritanism?]
[TC: actually, I just remembered that there is one such phonetic approximation in French: the old "sacrebleu" and "parbleu", which are very old-timey (Middle-Age-y) expressions of surprise, a deformation of "Sacré Dieu!" (Holy God!) and "Par Dieu!" (By God!). Although what's interesting is that "bleu" (blue) replaces "Dieu", and so linguists aren't sure if this is the right etymology; maybe it came from curse words directed at the aristocracy, who is said "to have a blue blood" and whose associated color is often blue.]
This is the reject commands with multiple objects rule:
let objs be the multiple object list;
if the number of entries in objs is greater than 1:
alter the multiple object list to {};
say "[italic type]{Pour s'assurer de l'urgence de votre situation, on vous demande de vous abstenir de manipuler plus d'un objet à la fois. Nous regrettons sincèrement tout désagrément que cette règle pourrait vous causer.}[roman type][paragraph break]" instead.
The reject commands with multiple objects rule is listed before the generate action rule in the turn sequence rules.
[Cette règle était bien plus stupide que ça avant que Emily Boegheim ne la trouve pour moi.]