The Horrible Pyramid — 3 of 15

Ryan Veeder

Release 1

Section - Help And About


Abouting is an action out of world. Understand "credits" and "author" and "about" and "info" and "contact" as abouting.

Carry out abouting (this is the about rule):

say "[italic type]Thanks for playing [roman type]The Horrible Pyramid[italic type]. The original version of this game was written for EctoComp 2013 (a competition for spooky text adventures written in under three hours), in which it took first place. Hooray for me. This version has been updated and enhanced by adding additional hours of work.[paragraph break]If you'd like to play more games I've written, you can look them up at If you'd like to read more terrifying stories in the vein of [roman type]The Horrible Pyramid[italic type], you should check out my book [roman type]'MOTORCYCLUS[quotation mark][italic type] and Other Extremely Scary Stories. If you'd like to contact me about anything at all, you should email me at or hit me up on Twitter where my handle is @rcveeder.[paragraph break]Thanks again! Have fun, and be safe[roman type]."

Helping is an action out of world. Understand "help" and "hint" and "walkthrough" and "walkthru" and "walk through" and "solution" and "hints" and "tips" as helping.

Carry out helping:

say "[italic type]Here is a prose solution for this game, with spoilery bits rendered in ROT13 to save you from spoilers:[paragraph break]To get the crown: Cvpx hc gur guerr fvyire bowrpgf (yrtf, gbefb, naq pebpbqvyr urnq) fgerja nebhaq gur gbzo. Tb gb gur fuevar naq chg gur yrtf ba gur fcvaqyr, gura gur gbefb, gura gur urnq. Gnxr gur pebja naq chg vg ba.[paragraph break]To get the bracelets: Tb gb gur Jurry Punzore naq ghea gur jurry ercrngrqyl, hagvy vg trgf fghpx. Sbyybj gur ghaary gb gur fxryrgba, rknzvar vg, naq gnxr gur oenpref. Gura chg gurz ba.[paragraph break]To get the necklace: Gnxr gur pebbx sebz gur fgnghr bs Ncrcfvxerg. Ubbx gur arpxynpr jvgu gur pebbx. Chg gur arpxynpr ba.[paragraph break]Finally: Tb onpx gb gur Tenira Punzore naq tb abegu gb gur Ohevny Punzore, gura ragre lbhe fnepbcunthf[roman type]."