Upon the Spooky House — 7 of 8

Ben Poisonor

Release 2

Chapter 5 - The Penultimate Room

North from Floor2 is Penult. The printed name of Penult is "Abandoned Bedroom". The description of Penult is "Why does this bedroom feel so familiar to you? It's so strange. Even the cobwebs here feel like... home. It's a dizzying effect that nearly makes you dash back south to the hallway." Instead of smelling Penult, say "Smells really, really musty." Instead of listening to Penult, say "Unearthly quiet."

A set of drawers is a closed openable container in Penult. "A beat-up set of drawers sits here. It's only got one... well, drawer left in it." Understand "drawer" as the set of drawers.

Inside the set of drawers is a wooden stake. The description of the wooden stake is "[one of]It seems so familiar... It's almost like...[paragraph break]Yes. You remember now. You know what you must do. You take it in your hands.[paragraph break][determined][or]A wooden stake. You will need it.[stopping]". The handfeel of the wooden stake is "Feels trusty, like an old friend". The sound text of the wooden stake is "A nice, quiet silence". Instead of taking the stake, try examining the stake.

To say determined:

now Lucille carries the stake;

change the up exit of the Penult to the Attic;

change the down exit of the Attic to Penult;

now the description of Penult is "It's your old bedroom. Funny how quaint it looks now. Up from here is the old attic, where you-know-who lives. You can go south to the hallway if you want, but we both know it's the attic you're after.";

now the description of Lucille is "You're determined to get the job done.";

now the sound text of Lucille is "Deep, even breaths, Lucille.";

now the handfeel of Lucille is "You clap your hands together to pump yourself up.";

try looking;

say "[run paragraph on]".

[I had a lot of trouble getting this sequence to work right without the game outputting too much whitespace. I still think it prints out too many paragrah breaks as is, but it's just invisible enough that it doesn't look like a bug. You might ask why I didn't just set this up with a scene (in Inform parlance), but I felt like being a Clever Clarence.]

Instead of dropping the wooden stake, say "Can't do that. Got a job to do."

[You might notice that there is no bed in this bedroom. Well, that's because I didn't feel like implementing one, and in art, you're allowed to not do something just because you don't feel like it. If you need an explanation for why it's not there, pretend Lucille's husband destroyed it just because he's a jerk.]