Upon the Spooky House — 6 of 8

Ben Poisonor

Release 2

Chapter 4 - The Second Floor

Up from Floor1 is Floor2. The printed name of Floor2 is "Decrepit Hallway". The description of Floor2 is "Cobwebs clutter this hallway, just like they clutter your mind. The floor seems to twist and turn by no geometry you are familiar with. Through ways unfamiliar and unflattering it leads to a room to the north. A creaky stairway leads back down to the antechamber." Instead of smelling Floor2, say "Smells really musty." Instead of listening to Floor2, say "Unearthly quiet."

Ectoplasm is a thing in Floor2. "A slimy, icky piece of ectoplasm lies on the decrepit hallway's floor!"

[Ectoplasm was, as I understand it, the mystical ghost juice that mediums used to pull out of their orifices in the early Twentieth Century. Some reports say it was just gauze or cheesecloth that mediums pretended were ghost juice. Me, I have never seen this thing called "cheesecloth", so I'm going to keep on thinking it's ghost juice.]

The description of the ectoplasm is "The remains of some poor, hapless ghost, you imagine. You shudder to think what might have happened to them." Understand "ghost" or "ghost remains" or "remains" or "ghost juice" as the ectoplasm. The handfeel of the ectoplasm is "Eww, it's all slimy". The smell text of the ectoplasm is "Smells really cheesy, for some reason". The sound text of the ectoplasm is "Sounds squishy, somehow". Instead of taking the ectoplasm, say "You really don't want to pick that up."