Ryan's EnigMarch 2024

Day 8: Rock

I have been stacking rocks! How many can you see?

Each row and column contains stacks of height 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 in some order, so that the whole tableau forms a Latin square. The numbers indicate how many stacks of rocks you can see when looking down that row or column from that position. (You can't see a shorter stack if it's behind a taller stack.) This is called a "Towers" puzzle.

2 2 2 1 4
2 Saint associated with shams In "Lobster" they wear surfboards 30 producer Tracey #EnigMarch prompt before Eteer costar Dalton 2
2 Pile to mark a grave 30 network 30 nemesis Devon 1973 Hudson film Host of "Spets" 3
2 Type favored by gym leader B State where Nelsonite is the state The Er star Rainn House on the state King who wrote about Castle 4
1 City of first Hard Cafe Home state of woodsman Cett SNES RPG with "candy glitch" Wife of Fred who lives in Bed Free jazz guitarist Shar 2
3 30 episode introducing Jon Hamm Ford Files star Garner O's animated dog B Samson's Charger Played Spurlock on 30 1
2 2 3 5 1

But you're saying that from above, you can't see any rocks at all? Huh.

Answer Checker:

Hints: The numbers outside the grid and the clues inside the grid are basically two different puzzles. The numbers are a "Towers" puzzle where you can deduce the height of the "stack of rocks" in each cell. Turn on Puzzled Pint Mode for an explanation, or search online for a better explanation probably. Inside the grid, the clues are all missing something. The string "ROCK" has been deleted from somewhere in each clue! Use the heights of the stacks as indexes into the clue answers.
