Ryan's EnigMarch 2024

Welcome to EnigMarch Island! "EnigMarch" is an Inktober-style event that challenges nerds to make a puzzle every day for an entire month. I participated in March 2023, July 2023(?!), and kind of in October 2023. But now it is 2024!

Each puzzle conceals a hidden meaning or answer in the form of an English word or phrase. Possibly a proper noun. Or maybe a foreign word. But not one you've never heard of. I'm sure all the puzzles are totally fair.

This time around, I put together a metapuzzle ahead of time, which you will see below. If you collect the answers to all/most of the daily puzzles, you'll be able to answer the metapuzzle's big question: What is the hidden treasure of EnigMarch Island?

When you've figured out the answer, confirm it by navigating your web browser to rcveeder.net/enigmarch24/theanswer.mp3. Good luck!

Ryan's Opinions: