We're being attacked by waves of pirates! It would help if we knew which wave was first, and which wave was second, and so on...
Because, what you'd do is, you'd handle the first part of the first wave, and then the second part of the second wave, and so on.
?th Wave
Ewan Scroff
Big Dumb Muffy Catstrangler
Nervous Pete
Illustrious Musket Master Kyle Cragg
Ada Hatelace
Nellie "Sleeps with her Cutlass" Manynicks
Wrayvenne Wraythe, the Gothic Pirate
Ishmael "Ishy-Washy" Washington
?th Wave
Flower-Sniffer Bran Vegan
Geneva Nightjar, Seven-Time Saber Champion
Atlantic Nancy
Stephen Barehands Headcrusher
Colorado Gus, Pirate of the Rockies
Ironmouth Tess, with Keys for Teeth
?th Wave
Caroline the Waif, Too Cute to Kill
Professor Milton Plunder
Antonio Espadrille, the Dart-Throwing Maniac
Shanghai Duncan, an Authentic Chinese Pirate
Jonathan Overboardthrower
Sarah Sadeyes-Mildew McSigh
?th Wave
Dobbie Dibbie Dubb
Gaylord Grabb, the Blunderbuss Instructor
?th Wave
Oliver Purpletooth
Rochelle O'Dell, the Shark Whisperer
Daft Danny Doesntswim
Edward Taught
Rum-Soaked Annie and her Rum-Soaked Axe
Answer Checker:
Hints: Look at the first letter of each piratical appellation.Only the first letters of one wave spell out a word. Which wave do you suppose that is?Getting a word out of each wave will also tell you what order the waves are supposed to be in.Don't try to figure out the actual physical length of the weapons. Use the length of the WORDS. The words that are, the word of what each weapon is.