Day 15 - METAPUZZLE: "Room"

I want to apply what I've learned from my parents' recipes and come up with my own delicious creation. But what can I make out of ROOM?

Download some recipe cards to get started.

Answer Checker:

Hints: Each ingredient applies a transformation on a word. It always outputs a real word (although sometimes it's a proper noun, I guess). The nature of the transformation doesn't have anything to do with the name of the ingredient. Vanilla deletes letters based on their position. Butter deletes letters based on what letters they are. Cinnamon performs a morphological derivation. The transformation of salt is entirely meaning-dependent, not spelling-dependent. Lemon adds a letter at a particular position. Honey also adds a letter at a particular position. Coffee changes the order of letters. Milk is the toughest one. It changes certain letters into certain other letters. But there's a logical reason for which letters it changes, and what it changes them into.

But wait! what do you do with the answers from this round? You have to apply them to ROOM. Each answer kind of looks like an ingredient. Just make sure you apply them in order of appearance.


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