Day 29: "Note"

The Solution

"NOTE" plus "clip.websi" equals, one of the most important online resources for video game nerds. What game are we looking for, though? Well, it appears to be a racing game, so we could search for "racing." We could search for "adventure," as clued by the first paragraph. The final paragraph is supposed to point to a vehicle-specific N64 game by ruling out Mario Kart 64 or Wave Race 64.

The game we are looking for is Beetle Adventure Racing! and it is awesome. (I listen to the soundtrack all the time while I'm working.) Which track are we looking at, though? The one that has snow! Mount Mayhem.

I tried to make the "what am I even doing" step of this puzzle somewhat more opaque than usual, because once you have that part, the rest of it is pretty trivial. Just follow the directions. The clued features you drive past are:

The letters marked with black diamonds (get it?) spell the answer, RACECAR.

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