Day 29 - "Note"

Those incorrigible EnigMarch organizers forgot the "clip.websi"! But that's fine. We're going to have quite the adventure!

Let me give you some useful tips: The WASD keys work just the way you'd expect, and you can use E to go straight up and Q to go straight down. You can also use I/K to rotate your camera's "pitch" (looking up and down), and J/L to adjust your "yaw" (looking left and right). U/O changes your "roll," but that's basically never useful. Perhaps most importantly, use the scroll wheel to adjust your movement speed.

First, find the starting line. It's a fair distance from the main track, and it's considerably greener and less snowy. Note the stream rushing past you. As you begin zooming along the track, soon you'll find yourself going under a □ □ □ □ □ □ □   □ ◆ □ □ □ □. How picturesque! Keep going up the hill. Soon after you reach the crest, you'll merge with the main track. Up ahead, the grass is getting covered with snow...

Before you reach the town, veer to the right and get some air from a well-camoflaged ramp. Smash through the garage door to find a secret passage! As you exit, you'll probably demolish a cute □ □ □ □ □ ◆ □. Follow the street, noting several red banners on either side.

Ignore the DEAD END sign and drive straight through the □ □ □ □ □ □ □ ◆ □ □. Don't worry, your vehicle can survive the drop. Rejoin the main track and note a sporting event taking place nearby. Your path will turn left, and then you'll see a huge bridge.

Note the damage that the bridge has suffered. Instead of going straight to the other side of the bridge, use the broken area as a ramp to cross the ravine and enter an eerie cave. Up ahead is what looks like a □ □ □ □ □ □   □ □ □ □ ◆ □. Neat!

Continue through the cave, and eventually you'll rejoin the main track again. But almost immediately, you'll want to veer left so you can smash through the □ ◆ □. You'll enter another tunnel, and then come out into the open air. Note the big pipes on your right.

Soon you'll enter yet another tunnel, which eventually opens up into a cave full of □ □ □ □ □ ◆ □ □. Note the crates, each of which is worth two points.

Right after you rejoin the main track, the path will fork. Take the right fork, and you'll cross another bridge, then enter another tunnel. The path will go up and up, and up, and up, until you reach the summit. On your left, note a couple of Quonset huts and what appears to be a □ □ □ □ □   □ □ □ □ ◆. Oh, and the finish line is here, too! Now, wasn't that way more fun than you'd have with a go-kart? Or a Kawasaki Jet Ski?

Answer Checker:

Hints: The website you need is You're looking for an N64 game with "Adventure" in the title.


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