Day 8 - "Sharp"

Hey, we're Knife Guy and Grate Guy! From Super Mario RPG! Remember?

Never mind. Say, if you're getting tired of solving puzzles, how about some thrilling games of chance?


Click to reveal the dealer's cards:

🂴 🂵 🂱 🂽 🂵 🃕

Click to reveal your own cards:

🂲 🂱 🂾 🂲 🃒 🃒

Look the Other Way

Try to guess which direction I'm gonna look in! Or, which direction I'm not gonna look in. Same difference.

Am I gonna look up or down and to the left?

Yoshi Racing

Which Yoshi will you bet on?



Answer Checker:

Hints for Baccarat: I have no idea how baccarat is played. There's something suspicious about these cards... Could they form some sort of code??? The dealer's cards spell out "DEALER."

Hints for Look the Other Way: You always win! The choices cycle through five options (one is repeated). They must represent some sort of code that involves pointing in directions. Including diagonal directions?

Hints for Yoshi Racing: Look at the results for several races. What do the first place Yoshis all have in common? What do the last place Yoshis all have in common?

Hints for Craps: You always roll the same number!

Overall Hints: Each game will give you a word. Combine the words into a crossword-type clue.


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