This table, in the style of Poor Richard's Almanack or the Farmer's Almanac that catalogs cute names for full moons, is an index of the 38 episodes in the third season of Sailor Moon, or "Sailor Moon S." The first column is the episode number. The second column is an enumeration of the episode's title (the canonical translation of the Japanese title, not the Viz title or anything like that). After that is an astrological summary of the episode. "☽ ☍ ♅ & ♆" means "Moon opposes Neptune and Uranus," as in, an episode where Sailor Moon fights Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus. "♀ aſc." means "Venus ascendant," that is, an episode focusing on Sailor Venus.
The "firſt ſixth" stuff will come into play in a moment.
The A.D. (J) and A.D. (US) columns represent the original airdates of each episode in Japanese and English. The final column, "daimon," gives an enumeration for the name of the monster-of-the-week Daimon (its Japanese name in romaji) battled by the Sailor Senshi in that episode. If another number is given in brackets, that's the number you should extract for the answer. The "firſt ſixth" stuff in the earlier column gives an ordering.
The answer is SELENA. Not Serena.
This is a dumb puzzle. It exists just to be pretty. Isn't it gorgeous?