Letavermilia: Una Monos

Letavermilia appears to be broadcasting some sort of signal here. To trace that signal, we have to go aft from the bridge and then starboard to the cargo hold. Open the armor cabinet and take the radar scanner. Wear the radar scanner and turn it on.

Then go port and outside to the planet's surface. Look at the radar scanner. There are five different signals! How inconvenient. Use the compass directions (go north or go southeast or whatever) to try to track them down. Keep on looking at your radar scanner to keep track of the directions of all those signals.

There aren't many landmarks in the middle of this dust storm. I strongly recommend tracking your own movement on a piece of graph paper or something like that. If the radar scanner says a signal is "east" from your position, that doesn't mean it's straight to the east. If you go east a bit, you might find that the same signal now registers as "northeast" because you're closer to it.

The source of each signal is a beacon. Look at the beacon and note the message it's broadcasting. Write it down. Keep your notes organized.

If you get stuck, here are some clues:

Hint 1
Did you take my advice about using graph paper?

Hint 2
If you can't keep track of all the signals, you can search every possible location instead. Starting from your ship, spiral outward so that you cover every cell on your graph paper map. Eventually, you'll find all the beacons. Or you could just click on the next hint to see the map.

Click here for a complete map of the area.

Hint 3
Once you've found all the beacons, try to put their transmissions in order. They're all parts of the same message.

Hint 4
Basically, if you can put the first word of each transmission in an order that makes any sense, that's the order you should take the numbers in.

Hint 5
The coordinate is 93746.

Once you've got your answer, you can put your graph paper away. Get back to your ship, go inside, go fore, and then set the autopilot to the coordinate of the next planet.

Continue to that planet.