Go aft and out onto the landing pad. Climb down the ladder, then enter the tunnel on the Communications Hub roof. If you try to open the door, the operator inside will talk to you over the microphone for a bit and then let you inside.
You might find it stimulating to look around the office. You should also interact with the operator as much as you wish. When you're ready to get to work, enter the stairs and go down. Enter the door to the server room.
Look at the data lattice. Five records have been tampered with. Activate the first record, then activate the second record, and so on. Can you figure out where Letavermilia is leading you next? Here are some hints.
Hint 1
Hint 2
Hint 3
Hint 4
Hint 5
Go out of the server room, up the stairs, and out into the office. Then go out to the airlock, out to the roof, and up the ladder. Go in the ship and fore to the bridge so you can set the autopilot to the right coordinate.