Take a moment to wipe the sweat from your brow, for it has been a long trip. Hasn't it? It has.
The Island of Doctor Wooby
A PetJam entry about dinosaurs by Ryan Veeder
Release 2 / Serial number 210223 / Inform 7 build 6M62 (I6/v6.34 lib 6/12N)
And now you stand on the shores of that island, the famous Island of Doctor Wooby, populated by Doctor Wooby's equally famous experiments: A bunch of randomly-generated dinosaurs that he sewed out of felt.
The sea is calm; the sand is smooth. A palm tree waves imperceptibly in the extremely gentle breeze.
The Doctor's laboratory is somewhere inland, to the north.
A Flippybagomus is on the beach.
Text Parser Tips
- "look at [a thing]"
    ("x [thing]" for short)
- "take [thing]" to pick something up
- "go [north/west/down/inside]"
    ("[n/w/d/in]" for short)
- other cool verbs:
  "put [thing] in [thing]"
  "touch [something]"
  "unlock [???] with [???]"
- many verbs work
- most verbs do not work
- do not be discouraged

Quixe for Inform 7 (v. 2.1.7)