Robin & Orchid — 1 of 88

Ryan Veeder & Emily Boegheim

Release 4

NB TO SOURCE DIVERS: First, this game was written in Inform 7 6G60 and will not compile in Inform 7 6L02, or else will compile catastrophically. Second, the automatic formatting that Inform executed (for the source code that you are looking at right now) gave up after 88 sections, so most of the code is formatted incorrectly in a pretty gross-looking way, so at that point you should probably just look at the .txt. Third and most important, there are spoilers in this source text. You are hereby sworn to secrecy.

"Robin & Orchid" by "Ryan Veeder & Emily Boegheim"

The story headline is "An exercise in photojournalism".

When play begins:

now the right hand status line is "";

[this rule is here for dramatic reasons, and also I couldn't think of why to put it anywhere else]

say "Casey glances around the newspaper office. 'Orchid is gone, right?'[paragraph break]'Yes, she left. Why do you ask?'[paragraph break]'I wanted to give you this while she wasn't around.' He hands you a thick, well-leafed notebook. 'It's just kind of a guide kind of thing, with some general information and directions, just to help you get around. Don't let Orchid see it.'[paragraph break]'Are you sure I'll require so much background material? And why shouldn't Orchid see it?'[paragraph break]'Well, Robin,' Casey says, and he spins around a chair to sit on it backwards in what he surely thinks is a very casual and friendly pose, 'Orchid is a church member, and you're not, and you missed the lock-in, so you don't have a lot of the context that Orchid has. I just wanted to put you on an even footing. And for your second question, I might have written some things in there that I wouldn't have said to Orchid's face.'[paragraph break]You nod, and slip the notebook into your backpack. 'I'm sure you've adequately prepared me for my mission.'[paragraph break]'Yes, I have. You're welcome. No, wait, I've got one more thing to say. Make sure you take lots of pictures, obviously. It's your job. That's one.' He starts counting on his fingers. 'Um, it's more fun if you run off by yourself, so make sure you get Sharon off your back. That's two. And keep an open mind. I mean, just because you don't believe in ghosts doesn't mean you're not gonna see one.[paragraph break]'So, yeah. That's three things.'";

wait for any key.


When play begins:

now the right hand status line is "";

say "Hey, Robin! Hold up![paragraph break]I wanted to wait until Orchid wasn't around before I gave you this. It's for your investigation tonight.[paragraph break]No, it's not that I don't trust Orchid; I just trust you more. I trust you [italic type]unconditionally,[roman type] Robin. So, I'm trusting you, with these notes I wrote about the church. It's just kind of a guide kind of thing, with some general information and directions, just to help you get around. Don't let Orchid see it.[paragraph break]I wish I could go with you! You know, the no boy-girl overnight thing is the school's policy, not the church's. We've had youth group lock-ins over there with boys and girls; it's not a big deal. I invited you to one. If you remember. I think you do.[paragraph break]Yeah. It was a lot of fun, and you missed out.[paragraph break]But I guess you'll get some idea while you're locked in with Orchid. And Sharon, har har. You'll want to get [italic type]her[roman type] off your back as soon as you can.[paragraph break]What else do I want to say? Take lots of pictures. Run off by yourself when you can; it's more fun to sneak around alone.[paragraph break]And keep an open mind! Just because you don't believe in ghosts doesn't mean you're not gonna see one.";

[wait for any key;]


[When play begins: [DEBUG]

say "Things without notes at the moment:[line break]";

let l be a list of objects;

let l be the list of things;

let rl be the list of rooms;

add rl to l;

repeat with item running through l:

if the note of item is empty:

say " - [the item]: [description of the item][line break]";

say "[line break]".]

[Last after reading a command:

say "(I just read a command! It was '[the player's command][quotation mark]!)[command clarification break]".]