"Jigsaw Lite" by Ryan Veeder Puzzle Zone is a room. Include Glulx Text Effects by Emily Short. Release along with source text and an interpreter. The puzzle frame is a container in Puzzle Zone. Description of the puzzle frame is "It's a square frame to put a jigsaw puzzle in. It looks like this:[frame appearance]" After searching the puzzle frame, say "The frame looks like this:[frame appearance][line break]" After inserting something into the puzzle frame, say "You slide [the noun] into the frame. Now it looks like this:[frame appearance][line break]" To say frame appearance: say "[first special style][line break]╔═════════╗[line break]║[gs][gs][gs][gs][gs][os][os][os][os]║[line break]║[gs][gs][gs][gs][gs][os][os][os][os]║[line break]║[gs][gs][gs][gs][os][os][os][os][os]║[line break]║[gs][gs][gs][gs][os][os][os][os][os]║[line break]║[gs][bs][gs][bs][bs][os][os][ys][ys]║[line break]║[bs][bs][bs][bs][bs][ys][ys][ys][ys]║[line break]║[bs][bs][bs][bs][ys][ys][ys][ys][ys]║[line break]║[bs][bs][bs][bs][ys][ys][ys][ys][ys]║[line break]║[bs][bs][bs][bs][bs][ys][ys][ys][ys]║[line break]╚═════════╝[variable letter spacing]" To say gs: if the green puzzle piece is in the puzzle frame: say "█"; otherwise: say " "; To say os: if the orange puzzle piece is in the puzzle frame: say "░"; otherwise: say " "; To say bs: if the blue puzzle piece is in the puzzle frame: say "▒"; otherwise: say " "; To say ys: if the yellow puzzle piece is in the puzzle frame: say "▓"; otherwise: say " "; The player carries the green puzzle piece. Description of the green puzzle piece is "The green piece looks like this:[paragraph break][first special style]█████[line break]█████[line break]████ [line break]████ [line break]█ █ [variable letter spacing]" The player carries the orange puzzle piece. Description of the orange puzzle piece is "The orange piece looks like this:[paragraph break][first special style] ░░░░[line break] ░░░░[line break]░░░░░[line break]░░░░░[line break] ░░ [variable letter spacing]" The player carries the blue puzzle piece. Description of the blue puzzle piece is "The blue piece looks like this:[paragraph break][first special style] ▒ ▒▒[line break]▒▒▒▒▒[line break]▒▒▒▒ [line break]▒▒▒▒ [line break]▒▒▒▒▒[variable letter spacing]" The player carries the yellow puzzle piece. Description of the yellow puzzle piece is "The yellow piece looks like this:[paragraph break][first special style] ▓▓[line break] ▓▓▓▓[line break]▓▓▓▓▓[line break]▓▓▓▓▓[line break] ▓▓▓▓[variable letter spacing]"