This game consists of a museum devoted to my own genius, and that appeals to me. It is somewhat smaller than one might expect of such a monument, but this is seemingly due to a constraint of the format.
The backstory of the museum confuses me, though. Some of the exhibits seem to be the work of a fan or fans (probably Inverted Normals themselves), which explains why certain elements of the Ryan Veeder canon being paid tribute are portrayed inaccurately: The statue of Winter Storm Draco is obviously confused, and Officer Bob Eliot is depicted with a "great big mustache" even though Taco Fiction describes it as a Raul Julia Gomez Addams mustache.
But the intent of Inverted Normals seems to be that the tributes to Allison Chase throughout the museum are the work of Ryan Veeder myself. And this is odd. I cannot puzzle my way through this game's lore. But I appreciate being pandered to.
The beauty of this game's source text is its presentation as a cool text-image created from a photo of a doll I made. (It is a beautiful doll, yes. If the source text were longer, the resolution of the image would be greater, and we would gain an even greater appreciation of the doll's beauty.) This text mosaic technique requires that the text forms a rectangle when rendered in a fixed-width font. This naturally imposes some limitations on the number of characters in the text and on the line breaks. This situation naturally recalls to our minds that famous Super Metroid speed guide with the perfectly justified text.
Unfortunately, the approach taken by Inverted Normals to maintain constant line width is to add a bunch of extra spaces between words. This is not very elegant. It makes the game look really weird when you're playing it, and it doesn't look all that nice in the Inform 7 IDE either. In many ways, the souce code text of this game is decidedly unbeautiful.
But I must respect the intentions of the Entrant, and the efforts of Inverted Normals to appeal specifically to me and to my ego must not be overlooked. Therefore I award The Magnificent Museum of Masterly Masterworks 6.67 points out of 10.