Day 29: Surprise

The Solution

This is an Akari puzzle. Where should we start?

Maybe first let's recognize that squares that say "ouch!" or similar are walls that we're bumping into. Those are black squares, for Akari purposes. The number of exclamation points indicates the number of adjacent lamps. (If there are no exclamation points, there are no adjacent lamps, but the Akari is just as solvable if you treat those squares as being unclued.) So now we can solve the Akari:

💡 1 1
2 💡
💡 2 💡
💡 1
1 💡

The black squares are also black squares for crossword purposes. The answers are:

R O A D 1 1
E L E 2 A
W 2 C O D E
E L O H 1 K
S 1 V C I
1 E E L F

The lit-up squares spell the answer, DAWDLE.

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