The strings of the form "A######" are indexes from the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, where you can find all your favorite sequences of integers. Each sequence is presented with its first few terms, but one term is missing! You have to go check what the missing number is!
- A000244 (the powers of 3) is missing 3.
- A000569 (the number of graphical partitions of 2n, OF COURSE) is missing 9.
- A026777 is missing 14. (I have no idea what "a(n) = Sum_{k=0..floor(n/2)} T(n,k)" means; it was hard to find sequences with 14 in the first few terms)
- A001358 (semiprimes) is missing 14.
- A000426 (coefficients of ménage hit polynomials; no, I don't know what those are) is missing one of its 1s.
- A000005 (the number of divisors of n) is missing one of its 2s.
- A000045 (the Fibonacci sequence!) is missing one of its 1s.
- A276086 (...a very obscure sequence) is missing 18.
3, 9, 14, 14, 1, 2, 1, 18 is standard A=1/Z=26 code for the answer, CINNABAR.
How is this a "tribute to a legendary glitch," though? The missing numbers in these sequences bring to mind the glitched Pokémon MissingNo., which could be found on Cinnabar Island.
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