Day 21: "Halve"

The Solution

Each piece of media has a fraction in the title (or something that we can obstinately interpret as a fraction). The blanks provided will fit the whole title except the fractional part. (The first movie they're talking about is 9 1/2 Weeks, so we just fill in "WEEKS.")

Timon and Pumbaa seem to think that the numerical values in these titles have been changed. Each fraction has been multiplied by another fraction. So you need to divide the number given by the original fraction.

These denominators of these new fractions are also the lengths of the strings you wrote in those boxes! If you use the numerators as indices to extract from those strings, you get the answer, WHOLE HOG (which is why the tortured prose of the introductory text has Pumbaa say he wants to "go all out").

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