Day 5: "Present"

Happy birthday, Paul!

Chinese Zodiac animal
* _ _ _

Recent Super Bowl

First Lady's nickname
_ * _ _   _ _ _ _

Stanley Cup winners
* _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _

New ride at Disneyland
_ _ _ * _ _ _   _ _   _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Song at the top of the Billboard Hot 100
_ _ _ _ _ _ *

World's Fair site
_ _ _ * _ _ _ _

Just won an Oscar for Best Actress
_ _ * _ _ _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _ _

Answer Checker:

Hints: If you google the clues, the answers don't fit into the spaces provided, but that just means... Hmm. All these clues describe things that could change at any time. When was the last time a First Lady had a nickname that consisted of two words, both four letters long? You can find answers that fit in the blanks if you don't assume that they pertain to the present day. All the answers should be correct in the context of one particular day, assuming I didn't mess anything up.


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