Here is my 2020 Year in Review and here is my 2021 Year in Review.
In 2022 I had some big life changes, so I didn’t get to do as much creative work as I might otherwise have done.
I spent November, December, and most of January working on “The Little Match Girl 3: The Escalus Manifold,” but when I finished it I only released it to Patreon members. It got a public release eventually, though…
I designed and hosted another trivia fundraiser for Family & Children’s Council of Black Hawk County. Here’s the “American Girls” video round. Another round challenged players to sort these ten Feats of Engineering by weight, from heaviest to lightest:

I’ll put the correct ordering at the bottom of this post!
Mark Marino invited me to do a talk with the University of Southern California’s Humanities and Critical Code Studies Lab’s E-Literature reading group which you might find interesting.
Looks like I didn’t make anything cool in March!
In April I executed this pixel art portrait (basically tracing) of a Twin Peaks character using the “dreamscape8” palette by Kerri Lake.

This was when my dad’s public access show about Abraham Lincoln (and specifically the bonkers story of the plot to assassinate him) started! I edited it.
I wrote this little choose-your-own-adventure-type book called “ESCAPE FROM THE MOON” for the enjoyment of neighbor kids. It skirts the line of being a gamebook insofar as you have to get out a pencil to do a little bit of state-tracking.
I designed an epic treasure hunt for a group of five neighbor kids. I can’t get into the details here (too epic) but I sewed these dolls as prizes.

Nothing to report, apparently.
In July I moved to Australia to marry my girlfriend Emily.
Zach and I launched The Complete Guide to Termina, another podcast about analyzing a Zelda game. Eventually our friend Sarah Willson joined the cast of this one. The episode where we all rank our top ten dungeons is a ton of fun. The whole thing is a ton of fun!
I made Emily this pirate ship costume, because her workplace had a pirate theme week.

In September, 100% of my energy went into putting together a visa application so I could stay in Australia. With my WIFE.
This was when I finished that visa application.
In November, I was working on “The Little Match Girl 4: Crown of Pearls,” which wouldn’t get a public release until IFComp 2023.
On December 31, I publicly released “The Little Match Girl 2: Annus Evertens,” which had been a Patreon exclusive since I wrote it in December(?) of 2020. We will have more to say about the Little Match Girl series in the 2023 Year in Review.
Anyway, here’s the correct order for those Feats of Engineering: