Exploring Town

This part of the game is all about exploring freely and trying different things in different places. If you feel like you're stuck, but you haven't explored all of the places on the map below... try exploring more! Or try going back to a place where you couldn't do anything before.

Or scroll down for some hints.

General Hints

How do I get the boat key at the marina?
This is one of the last things you'll do in town. You'll need to pass the demon's quiz first. If you've already accomplished that, continue to the next part of the guide.

How do I catch that lady who's stalking me?
Many spells can incapacitate this lady long enough for you to run her down. The quartz eyestone in the spider amulet will stop her briefly. Or, for just one other example, you could confuse her by looking at her while wearing the bat amulet with the turquoise eyestone.

What do I do at the burned building?
Go inside. Search the wreckage.

How can I see what's inside the clock tower?
You can use the frog amulet and spinel eyestone to jump really high, or you can use the pumpkin amulet and quartz eyestone to grow the vines and then climb the vines.

How can I get inside the motel office?
Charybdis is smart enough not to go in there without a weapon. The best eyestone for getting in a fight is the garnet, but that's the eyestone that the motel operator stole from you! So you'll need to be creative. The wolf amulet and quartz eyestone combine to give you a "shoving" attack. Several mind-affecting spells using the turquoise can give you the upper hand in a confrontation. Or you could just bring in a shovel.

What do I do at the railroad crossing?
Not much. There's an owl you can talk to.

How do I unearth the "thingy" at the beach?
You can dig it up with a shovel, or you can have a spectral wolf dig it up for you. You can also use the levitation power of the quartz eyestone in the frog amulet: Pointing at the sand will cause the "thingy" to rise up to the surface.

How do I light the braziers on the monument?

Each brazier is inscribed with an elemental sigil. If you fill the brazier with the appropriate element, it'll light up. Most braziers can be lit in multiple ways.

The first brazier (Air)
Either magically impel a blast of air into the brazier, or just blow on it.

The second brazier (Fire)
Summon fire with the pumpkin amulet and garnet eyestone, or with a cigarette lighter.

The third brazier (Water)
The garnet eyestone in the frog amulet will let you shoot water at this brazier. You can also bring a lump of mud from the creek. You can also bring water in a water bottle.

The fourth brazier (Earth)
This brazier can only be lit non-magically. Take a lump of mud from the creek, or a lump of dirt (found by digging up any of several locations around town, if you have a shovel).

The fifth brazier (Ice)
You can carry ice from the motel's ice machine in a water bottle. Or you can shoot a blast of icy air with the wolf amulet and garnet eyestone.

The sixth brazier (Metal)
This brazier can only be lit non-magically. Several things found around town are metallic, and will light the brazier if you stick them in there. The shovel is one example. Don't worry, you'll still have the item after you light the brazier.

Where is the shovel?
It's at the bottom of a pit, east of the railroad tracks.

How do I get the shovel once I've found it?
The easiest way is with the quartz eyestone and bat amulet.

How do I get the water bottle?
If you just dig everywhere, you'll find it eventually. If you combine the spinel eyestone and the wolf amulet, someone will help you look for it. Anyway, it's buried at the edge of town.

How do I get the cigarette lighter?
The cigarette lighter is an extremely optional item. You can dig it up with the shovel somewhere. If you just dig everywhere, you'll find it eventually. But if you combine the spinel eyestone and the wolf amulet, someone will help you look for it. Anyway, it's buried outside the silo.

How do I get the owl amulet at the post office?
There are several possible methods. The easiest is to use the quartz eyestone in the bat amulet.

How do I help the lady at the diner?
This is one puzzle with only one solution. You need to examine her while wearing the wolf amulet with the turquoise eyestone.

How do I unlock the door in the train station?
You can use the quartz eyestone and owl amulet, or you can find the key under the nearby jack-o-lantern.

What do I do at the edge of town?
Well, you can talk to the owl.

How do I get inside the museum?
You can unlock the door with the quartz eyestone and owl amulet, or you can destroy the plate glass window in any number of ways. (You won't find the key to the museum anywhere in the game.)

What do I do inside the museum?
Read the historical information about the wolf. Talk to the wolf. Take the frog amulet.

What do I do at the creek?
Talk to the ghost, or talk to the frog. You can also get water and mud here, which can both be useful.

What do I do at the henge?
Take the quartz eyestone from the altar.

The Demon's Quiz

Who really killed Cleft the wolf?

You can talk to the stuffed wolf in the museum, if you wear the wolf amulet with the olivine eyestone.
Cleft says she was killed by Mayor Deanae Cressin.

Who gave Terlissa the hagfish amulet?

Pastor Nicette knows.

You can win her trust by finding her water bottle.

Or you can read her mind using the owl amulet and turquoise eyestone.
Terlissa got the hagfish amulet from "Lyphn."

What's the secret seventh element honored in the monument on Main Street?

The monument spells out the answer if you light all six braziers. See "How do I light the braziers at the monument?" above.
The six flames spell out the word SHADOW.

What was Old Esthella’s favorite soap opera?

Esthella is the ghost that the owls are talking about.

You can find her at the creek.

Use the bat amulet and spinel eyestone to see her. Then talk to her.
Her favorite soap opera is "The Prison We Choose."

What sailboat sank into Skuga Lake in 1966?

This information is at the beach.

The bats say something is buried there.

Unearth the "thingy" and read it. See "How do I unearth the 'thingy' at the beach?" above.
The sailboat's name was "Swisher."

Who lives in the old clock tower?

You can see for yourself. See "How can I see what's inside the clock tower?" above.

But "Plesiosaur" isn't an acceptable answer. You can find the name of the plesiosaur somewhere else.

It's on a mural in the train station.
The plesiosaur's name is Skoogie.


How do I get the bat amulet?
It's in the plastic Lost & Found crate in the closet where you start.

How do I get the frog amulet?
It's in the museum, on the shelves.

How do I get the wolf amulet?
That stalker lady will give it to you if you manage to catch her.

How do I get the spider amulet?
You have it at the beginning of the game.

How do I get the pumpkin amulet?
Go into the burned building and search the wreckage.

How do I get the owl amulet?
There are several possible methods. The easiest is to use the quartz eyestone in the bat amulet.


How do I get the quartz eyestone?
It's on the altar at the henge.

How do I get the olivine eyestone?
It's in the bat amulet in the Lost & Found crate in the closet where you start.

How do I get the garnet eyestone?
The motel manager has it. She'll give it up when you enter the motel office while properly armed. See "How can I get inside the motel office?" above.

How do I get the turquoise eyestone?
It's in the train station office, in a drawer in the desk. See "How do I unlock the door in the train station?" above.

How do I get the amethyst eyestone?
After you pass the demon's quiz, enter the silo, climb down to the bottom, and look at the pool of ooze.

How do I get the spinel eyestone?
The lady at the diner will give it to you, when she comes to her senses. See "How do I help the lady at the diner?" above.

Moving On

As you explore the town, you'll learn that the person responsible for all your troubles (and Skuga Lake's troubles) is Terlissa Feeg, who has hidden away on the island in the middle of the lake. Before you can get there, you'll need to pass the demon's quiz. If you've done that and you're still stuck, continue to the next part of the guide.