As is so often the case in these situations, you can click on the pictures to see bigger versions.
There are also some videos about the dolls, so that you can see them in action:
Video 1: Features dolls #DDMR, #DDRR2, #DDYV, and #DDMMF.
Video 2: Features dolls #DDLR, #DDCM, #DDKD, and #DDDJP.
Video 3: Features dolls #DDBB, #DDSL, #DDRR1, and #DDBC.
Video 4: Includes dolls #DDTT, #DDFS, #DDWS, and #DDKTB.
Those aren't their names. Those are Doll Designation Hashtags, arbitrarily assigned so that we can refer to the dolls unambiguously without naming them.
I have carefully avoided naming any of the dolls so that each doll's owner may enjoy that privilege. If you have some sort of problem that prevents you from naming your doll yourself, let me know. I'll figure something out.